Advocates at Border Criticized for Misplaced Allegiance

Advocates at border Criticized for misplaced allegiance:

Perusing the local newspaper's edition, one learns that the Congressional House Republicans seem to have come alert to the realization that they are elected to support the Constitution, the rights of US citizens, to protect our borders (not necessarily those of other countries, including Ukraine's).

But by reading on, one finds Wendy Cervantes, Director of Immigration and Immigrant Families at CLASP (Center for Law and Social Policy). This cadre of pro-illegal immigration groups equates Title 42 with being a “draconian” measure that would return asylum seekers to Mexico. The immigrants can seek asylum in one of the many countries whose borders they crossed to get to the US according to law.

Ms. Cervantes claims the restoration of Title 42 would be a frightening aspect to their groups' working to build a “more just and equitable country” without ever alluding to exactly where our Constitution promotes this infantile goal or why anyone would wish to promote same. Or who designated these un-elected promoters of Constitutional change?

As Lincoln said later: the Constitutional majority is the only true sovereign of a free people.

So, let's remind these advocates for illegal immigration – Kerri Talbot, Immigration Hub Executive Director, and the rest of them- you are not elected to any office.

Audrey Taggart

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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