We consider Good vs. Evil

It is that time of year we consider Good vs. Evil (reminding us of the famous Yes, Virginia letter)

This time the question is: since we cannot see Evil, do we know it exists? I think we do know the answer and it is in the affirmative. For example, the other day the Supreme Court of Colorado removed Donald Trump from its state ballot for the presidency. This is Evil in the democratic republic in which we reside. There are laws; we have a constitution to follow. We adhere to the “Rule of Law.”

A satanic cult made its 2024 endorsement with these evil words: Only Biden-Harris can bring about end of history. Did you see it on MSM? CNN? MSNBC?

Not likely.

The “Order of Nine Angles” (O9A) is a Satanic cult founded in the UK in the 1970s, according to the BBC. We, in the US, are used to endorsements from those who hope the country will improve, sometimes seriously mistaken in their choices.

But Evil wants to destroy this democratic republic. Here's proof the theory of “seriously mistaken.” National Public Radio (NPR) claims the Biden's “Drama-Free White House” is a Christmas Gift to America. The other day, O9A posted on its website that “democracy is failing; worldwide nations are going broke, preparing for war, inundated with refugees, and so forth.

Some truth may be interwoven, but Drama-Free? Hardly!

It is hard to believe that there are groups, cults, democrat/socialists who want the end of this country. Our religions, family structure, culture, two genders, government schools, colleges are all under attack by those who wish to end this 250-year experiment in freedom and democracy. There are huge segments using the Divide and Conquer method.

When Hamas thugs attacked the elderly, women and children normal folks recognized Evil. But the protests show Evil is gaining. We must not allow it to strengthen.


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