Research Prior to Election 2024

Research Prior to Election 2024

Not long ago a letter appeared in the local newspaper cautioning citizen voters to choose decency in the upcoming election. It mentions a few Presidents who the author categorizes as decent.

Unfortunately, he labels FDR as decent. We all know him as the one who thumbed his nose at our first president Washington and thirty something more, who limited themselves to two terms, as Washington had set the precedent and all decent presidents followed.

FDR was antisemitic, as were many well-known men of the time: Lindbergh, Ambassador Joe Kennedy, etc.

We know from history that FDR wanted to “spread the Jews thin.” This supports the world view of American government's “tepid response to the Holocaust.” Some of FDR's pre-presidential writings include references about Jews, Asians and immigrants in general. In the 1920s his words on Japanese immigration: “Anyone who has traveled in the Far East knows that the mingling of Asiatic blood with European or American blood produces, in nine cases out of ten, the most unfortunate results.”

No specification included. Most of these books of FDR's are housed at the FDR Library in Hyde Park, NY.

Remember the Japanese internment camps? Parents were in them with all possessions taken, while many of their sons fought Japan in WW11.

Reviewing his administration's immigration policy such that US Immigration would allow 26,000 annually but rarely reached that due to the many extra requirements he piled on.

So, yes choose decency but do your research first, starting with Google.

In liberty,

Audrey Taggart

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


Research Prior to Election 2024 Part 2


Advocates at Border Criticized for Misplaced Allegiance