90 Years Ago We the People Spoke

In December 1917 after an agonizing 25 months of very heated debate, unthinking American legislators both Federal and State embarked on a foolish journey, drafting and ratifying the 18th amendment to the Constitution which prohibited the sale, manufacture and transportation of intoxicating liquors. From early 1919 through December 5th 1933 the country went through a tumultuous 14 years of virtual hell. Hundreds of thousands jailed, rampant crime waves plagued the country and gang wars the likes of which make the wild west seem tame.

Having awakened to this nonsense, it took just 11 months for the country to propose and ratify the 21st amendment to the Constitution which repealed the ridiculous 18th amendment.

Proposed in Congress on March 23rd 1971 and in just 4 months the 26th amendment to the Constitution was ratified lowering the voting age to just 18 years of age. Dwell on that for a moment-- just 4 months. More about the wisdom of that amendment in a future letter.

Now, near the end of 2023, the country has accumulated close to 30 Trillion dollars of debt and just about every member of congress, economist of every stripe, and the talking heads on TV and radio tell us the country cannot sustain the out of control, reckless spending by the fools in Washington. The congress continues to spend and Presidents continue to sign bills with no legitimate source of revenue to pay for them.. These cowards won't ask for additional taxes to pay for them.

It is clear to any thinking person that Congress will never limit their appetite for reckless spending. They keep sending billions upon billions of dollars to warring countries most of whom couldn't care less if the US survives or not. Article 5 of the Constitution provides the authority for we the people to do what must be done.

More and more it looks like we the people must force the politicians to come to their collective senses. A constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget and an additional term limit amendment for both houses of congress, may very well be our last chance to save this country from irrelevancy in the world. Since the political and donor class won't protect the country nor the good faith and credit of the US dollar, we the people must do it for them. Call or e-mail your state and federal representatives and demand that they take up these constitutional amendments. We have been given the power via article 5 of the US Constitution. lets use it. Check out "conventionofstates.com

Richard MacAuley Hobe Sound

This is an editoral from one of our members and not the official position of the Martin County Republican Executive Committee.


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